So, a needle is inherently magnetic right? But what is the needle has been exposed to sea water, wind, rain, dirt or even acid…? On the surface it will look all rusted, but if we polished it, we would realise that the shining magnetic element is still there.
Our essence is pure light but from the moment we discover our “Asmita” or “Iamness”, and we split away form our source to become “separate”, we start splashing our heart’s inner light with rusting elements that darken our ability to connect to it. That moment when I realise my mum’s breast is not a part of me and therefore not available at all times, or that “other” has a toy or a piece of food I want, at that moment… ladies and gentlemen the beginning of all suffering starts!
And so according to Patanjali there are four elements that brig a dark veil to our hearts:
.- Attatchment: (when we cannot let go of someone or an idea, a concept or a desire…) even if it is as an aversion.
.- Jealousy: Someone has something I want and I don’t have. There are degrees of jealousy. One of them is a healthy one and it occurs when we feel “healthy envy”. Our soul recognises that “I” have as much potential as “that person” but I don’t wish him/her any ill. This one is ok if we use it to inspire us but unhealthy jealousy is just poison for the heart.
.- Desire to Control….When we are in conflict with reality we suffer! How freeing would it be to just abide in “what is in front of me right now”, our hearts will know if we are to fight it or not, but from a place of knowingness rather than ignorance.
.- Self - Righteousness: I find it a little bit strange that every time I am in a discussion, I always find myself on the right side… How about you? When we are always right, it is very difficult to find humbleness in our hearts and we suffer when the world is not as “it should be!”. That guys, most definitely sabotage our peace of mind.
So the way to dissolve the veil of darkness is by: Contemplating on the situation and then finding the root desire, in other words; the cause and thirdly cultivating its opposite feeling. So, next time you feel jealous of someone who has more than you or someone who is (in your mind better than you) , try to think how much has that person worked to reach where he/she has or the sacrifices he/she has made and send that person love. Try it, it works! but in order to do that efficiently you need to sit and listen to the silence in your heart. Your inner teacher is there, always there for you and with you.